Hello Wonderful Writers:
We're still getting our feet wet, remembering to breathe, taking risks to share and not judge our work, getting to know others. Take a risk and next day, sit beside someone you do not yet know well. (That way I'll know you've read this bog. Add diabolical laugh here).
Create a poem including the following elements. The poem may be on any topic in any style. Continue to focus on concrete imagery which appeals to the five senses and using words and phrases that just seem to pop up from your unconscious. A way to facilitate this "popping up" is to peruse various quick-writes/exercises in your notebook and "find" cool lines that you move to your new piece. Try it. It's fun.
Exercise: Grounding the poem in a time period. Use these elements in your poem. You may use the words in any order.
1. a month
2. a body of water (any size--puddle to North Sea or tear)
3. a season
4. The word I
5. a car name and year
6. a brand name
7. The word you
8. an animal
9. a type of tree
10. a description of light
11. a name of a place
12. The word love
13. a character from a film/book/TV/commerical/art
14. a time (could be specific 6 o'clock or morning or midnight)
Good luck