Thanks to the two groups who presented today. Well done (despite the creepy video). Thanks.
Next class, we'll have two more presentations.
Tuesday: Your compositions are due. No lates accepted on these. I need them by 3:20 Tuesday so make room. It will only take you 40 minutes. In fact, that's all the allotted time so do your best!! Read the marking rubric and the edits I made on your last papers for assistance. Focus on one aspect of your writing style you wish to improve and focus on one attribute of analysis you are working on. Which aspect of analysis do you neglect? Where are you over-generalizing? Can you write a clear, concise yet provocative thesis? Do you have sufficient evidence from the text to support your opinions?
These are questions a solid AP student is always asking. I look forward to reading your responses. I'll give you another practice one on Tuesday and then the test is on Thursday. Since AP is in the morning Tuesday, if you pop around my office at 3:20, I'll give you back your practice essay to use as a study tool for Thursday's test.
Have a great weekend. We start Hamlet next....There is something rotten in the state of . . . ?