Monday, October 22, 2012

English 11E: Act 3, Scene 3,

Make sure that you have read and made notes on the ways that Iago uses to tempt Othello. How effective are these techniques?
We'll be looking at how to do a close reading of a text during tomorrow's class.

If you were absent today, we added 2 more words to our list, and we watched the film version of Act 3. We also reviewed the vocabulary via the vocab. game.

Permission Forms are due.

Submissions to a literary magazine are due.

If you plan to submit to Aerie or to Polyphony, ensure that you have electronic access to your story and to a photo of yourself. You will also need a bio and a statement regarding why you wrote the piece.

If you plan to submit to The Claremont Review, bring a copy of the story, a SASE, and a cover letter. Visit their website for guidelines.

If you plant to enter The Claremont Review contest, bring 25.00, a copy of the story and you'll attach it to a contest entry form.