Wednesday, December 19, 2012

English 11 E: Peer Editing, Studying for the test

If you were absent today, luckily you checked this blog so you can be all prepared for tomorrow's test.

Ensure that your notes have definitions, examples, explanations of techniques, themes, and your opinions on the following topics:
19 terms
What is a personal essay? Why choose it over a poem or story or tweet?
What techniques should we watch out for when reading or listening to persuasive arguments?
What are the most effective techniques? Favourite essays etc
Be sure that you have notes on all of the essays as you will be asked 5 questions on topics such as effective introductions, use of humour, indirect or implied thesis statements, use and purpose of incongruity, how to essayists placate hostile audiences etc

Hand in your notes at the end of the period.

If you have not yet had your essay peer edited by at least 3 people. Be sure to do so tomorrow at lunch as you need to submit an edited draft with the good copy on Friday. If you need an extension, you must ask tomorrow. You also get marked on your editing abilities. We discussed the criteria for editing during class today. If you were absent, ask a peer. Use the editing checklist to prepare your good copy.

Let's get these essays published! Your voices should be heard.