Thursday, April 11, 2013

English 11: Although the cats were away, the mice refused to play . . .

We had a number of students away at UBC today but we ventured forth alone.

We read our lovely books for 15 minutes so make sure you make up the time this weekend. You will have three delicious days to read and easily make your goal of three books read by the end of April--maybe 4 or 5 or beyond!!

I returned the vocabulary tests and the draft compare/contrast compositions. Have a good look at where you need to review. You will be writing another composition next Thursday.

I checked the first poem assignment from your anthology so if you were absent today, do show me tomorrow. Don't forget to include the bibliographic information. The poems I have seen so far will serve as excellent models for creating your own poems next week. Great job.

At Claremont, we know reading is . . .

Thank you, Spartans, for your amazing participation!