Friday, April 4, 2014

English 9: Poetry Anthology is DUE TUES . . .

If you have not already requested an extension, you must arrive on Tuesday with the project completed. No excuses. Thanks.
Use your poetry anthology criteria sheet. A copy is pasted below. It may lose its formatting.

Poetry Anthology: A Collection of Six Poems That Reflect The Modern Poetry World

Due: __________________________________________________

Purpose: To familiarize yourself with modern poetry structure, sound and themes

What: A collection of three poems from a Claremont Review and three poems from your textbook, Departures.

How: Find poems that meet the criteria below. Read a lot of poems and pick only the best ones. Type them up. Include author and title on each page.

Create: A front and back cover for your poems so it looks like a book. (See samples)

Create: An MLA Works Cited sheet (Wait for the lesson)

Criteria for Choosing a Poem

1.__________ The poem is found in The Claremont Review or Departures.
2. __________ The poem offers a unique perspective. It makes me think or imagine.
3. __________ The poem uses concrete imagery. Things I can see, smell, taste, touch or hear.
4. __________ The poem is one I wish I had written.
5. __________ The poem doesn't rhyme at the end of lines but rhyme may be inside the lines.
6. __________ The poem intrigues me. I wouldn't mind reading more by this author.

Criteria for the Front Cover

1. Create a title for your collection that would make people want to read it.
2. Create a design that reflects the theme(s) of your poems. Use pictures, colours appropriately.
3. Put edited by and your name ____________ __________

Criteria for the Back Cover

1. Read back covers of poetry books to get ideas. The poetry section in our library is the first shelf as you enter the learning commons.
2. Write a short synopsis of the themes in the book.
3. Create a blurb by a pretend famous author singing the praises of your collection.
4. Create a name for your publishing company. Stenson Press. Good Dog Publishing etc
5. Create a price.
6. Include an ISBN number, and bar code  label. Draw one or copy and paste.
7. You may include images and colours similar to the front.
8. You take care on both covers to reflect the themes in the book.
9. You design your covers to SELL the book.