Oh the wail of a first period class. Thank you all for being somewhat awake. We covered a lot of material as usual. We discussed the strengths and weaknesses of the class compositions and took notes on how to improve. We marked the multiple choice test and tried to analyze what the question is actually asking (what skill) and how to approach it. Be sure to get the notes if you were absent. Ask a friend. We took notes on Prryhus and the Pyrrhic victory. Ask for the handout. Be sure to know these terms. What does the Lethe river represent?
Finally, we discussed Act 2. What is the purpose of a second act? What complications are revealed? How is Ophelia treated in scene 1? Why? What is revealed about Hamlet in Act 2? How is it revealed? His character is revealed through other people's descriptions, via similarities to a ghost, through diction, syntax, imagery, through letters, through his fishmonger speech and its juxtaposition to his discussions with his friends, through is heartfelt confessions to Rosencrantz and Guildenstern, through his interactions with the players and finally through his soliloquy.
Homework: Recitations: Present Wed. Oct. 19
Hamlet compositions: Take the essay that you wrote in class last Friday and using the rubrics that I handed out or the ones you already have, mark the essay out of 9. Pretend it is someone else's essay, i.e. you will highlight the passages that work well and explain which passages do not work well. You must justify your mark. Next week, you will sign up for a consultation with me to discuss your essay. Don't worry if it is not finished. Mark it as if it is finished. For example, if it is B quality all the way through, assume, had you finished it, B would remain.
Thurs. Oct. 20: Class cancelled as I'm away at the Writers' Fest. You will be given your assignment Wed. The assignment is another composition. This time it will be on Hamlet's third soliloquy in Act 2, Scene 2. You've already made notes on it. Focus on one or two of your writing weaknesses (If you were absent, borrow the list. We wrote down a list of strengths and weaknesses on the board). THIS ESSAY IS DUE SAT. AFTERNOON BY 3 P.M. NO LATES. IF YOU CANNOT MAKE THIS DEADLINE, YOU NEED TO ASK FOR AN EXTENSION WELL BEFORE SAT. AND YOU WILL NEED A REALLY GOOD REASON.
Keep reading your novels and marking key passages that you may wish to use on your in-class essay. The quotation log is worth 100 marks. Have a look at your handout and if you need clarification, be sure to ask for assistance.
We'll watch parts of Act 3 next Monday.
Read Act 3 Scene 1 (it's called the Nunnery Scene) and is one of the most poignant scenes in the play. Take note of Ophelia's soliloquy (153-163) and what it reveals about herself and about Hamlet. This scene is not very long but reading and annotating it before we meet will help your analysis of the film.