A number of students were away and a number of students had to leave early today but despite the disruptions we managed to do a lot of work.
1. Before I collected the creative writing scenes, I had each student highlight the examples of indirect presentation of the character. How are you showing the character's traits through dialogue, action, symbol, setting, diction or what other characters say? If you were absent today, highlight the examples and above the highlight, write in which technique you were applying. I collected the work. Get me your work Tuesday please if you were absent today.
2. We reviewed the Orpheus charts and worked in pairs to add three more examples of indirect presentation and what it revealed about the characters. Next, we chose either Jake or his father and wrote an evocative but provable thesis about the character. If you were absent, please add three more examples and create a thesis.
3. Next, I read aloud a sample of a modern short story called "Want to Play House," by Canadian author, Leon Rooke. We wrote a 100 to 200 word response in our creative writing journals. If you were absent, pick up the story from my desk in room 233 on Tuesday so that you'll be prepared to discuss it on Wed. Make sure you write a journal entry as well. I have emailed you the details of the journal entry.
4. Lastly, we had 15 minutes to read our wonderful novels. Ideally, you will find a lot of time to read this weekend and add your review to Shelfari.
Happy Thanksgiving.