Yesterday, we managed to fill the hour with a number of activities. If you were absent, be sure to get the notes from a friend and read at least 15 pages of your USSR book.
We reviewed the notes from last week's blog regarding how to be successful in English class and we prepared for Wednesday's test. The test will consist of reading a short short story and answering a question in a well-organized, literary paragraph which follows the literary must-haves list, offers insight to the story (and does not re-tell what happens) and uses transistions appropriately. Marks awarded for a strong thesis which answers the question, three strong examples, integration of quotations and sentence variety. Study the paragraphs we have marked and revised and memorize the must-haves list. You may have your transition sheet, and the literary must-haves list on your desk as you write the paragraph. You may also bring a thesaurus as using synonyms is key to good writing.
Friday: The first draft of your short story is due for peer editing. Today, we worked in groups on the 6 criteria and presented examples from the stories, "Hot Chocolate" and "Abduction" from Naming the Baby. There are several stories in that collection that can inspire you and offer new ways to express your material. You may wish to try a style similar to Leon Rooke's story, |"Want to Play House," as well. Don't hand in the first draft you print as you DO NOT want your editors fixing paragraph structure and typos, right? You want the editors to help you with the 6 criteria.
See you Wednesday.