Monday, October 24, 2011

AP Lit

Study your notes from today so that you feel prepared for a short quiz. Keep reading and post-it noting your novel. Focus on key scenes.

Tonight--Read Act 3, sc. 2, but mostly focus on Hamlet's 5th soliloquy, page 58. It's very short but notice the diction. What does it reveal about his current state of mind. Compare it to previous soliloquies especially the To be or not to be speech.

Read sce. 3 closely as this scene is pivotal to plot. Hamlet has a chance to kill Claudius but doesn't. Be prepared to discuss why he doesn't do it. Try to go beyond a Sparks notes analysis by making connections to previous scenes, looking for motifs, noticing syntax, diction and punctuation. Look for imagery.

The scene we will read and watch in class is called The Bedroom Scene, which is the climax of the play where Hamlet confronts his mother and the ghost returns!! (Scary sounds here).

Also, if you wish to have a better mark on the sol. 3 essay, please submit to me by Thurs.

One-to-one essay conferences. Please meet at the beginning of the period in the Eng. office.
Wed. Oct 26 Jen perioid 2 and PEter per. 4
Thurs period 1 and 5 are free
Friday Oct. 28 period 1 Hannah,
Monday period 4 is free
Tues. Nov. 1  period 1 Jonty and period 4 Zach