We had a small group of grade 12s today because all the 11s were writing the PSAT. Hope it went well. We focused on the "short poem" today. Please pick up the handout from me before you leave today. Thanks. We stood in front of one of the fabulous posters in room 233 and wrote 3, 4 line poems on the same picture. They worked so well but we read and discussed how short poems work, first. You missed that so find someone in the class to discuss the form with. We read them aloud and they were so good because they are concise descriptions which do not editorialize or preach! Yay to the short poem. Remember, you need two really concrete short poems to submit to the art class by Nov. 1. If you decide to submit them to me for marks as well--2 short poems equal 1 poem for marks.
I'm doing interim reports this week and all of you get As. Well done!
Don't forget to submit the Patrick Lane responses via email. They are now officially LATE!!
Post a short poem on Edmodo today and please read the other postings. If you can respond to a poem on Edmodo, too, that would be wonderful.
Next, I introduced the technique called anaphora--google it.
We wrote 5 descriptions of action similar to yesterday's exercise but using the pronoun I.
For example: I jumped up and down on one leg because the bus was late.
I reached for the candle and accidentally touched the light but did not burn.
I am afraid of birds, coffee, and you. That is why I run.
Choose one of the phrases below or make up your own. Add the phrase to each one of your five descriptions:
When you kissed me . . . I . . . ( You may try variations on the verb tense as well).
When you left . . . I . . .
When the dog barked . . . I . . .
When the bell rang . . . I . . .
When you crossed the street . . .
When you kissed me I was afraid of birds, coffee, and you. That is why I ran.
When you kissed me, I reached for the candle and accidentally touched the light. Did not burn.
When you kissed me, ....getting the idea
One other neat thing that we did today was think of weird tidbits of esoteric knowledge we may have garnered in a class this year
Ask Liam and Sena to share their bits. These make fascinating parts to a poem
ie when you fold a piece of paper a hundred times . . .
or when you look at the sun . . .
If you don't have scientific or historical tidbits at your fingertips, look it up.... What fun poetry is.