Look closely at the short story marks and corrections and if you have questions, be sure to come in and talk with me. You want to know how to do better next time.
If you would like to try again, next Wed. during the test taking period (2:45 to 4 p.m.) in room 320 is available.
Sign up during class and I'll make sure to have a test there for you.
We took notes on Othello, the Renaissance time period, the Great Chain of Being, how North Africans were perceived in 1604 in England and how Shakespeare uses a Moor, the term used then for North Africans, as his tragic hero.
Finish reading Act 1, Scene 1. Post-it note key ear/eye/animal images. Notice what is revealed about the characters. How does Brabantio react to the new's of his daughter's elopement.
If you were absent today, be sure to get the notes from a friend since your notebooks are one of the key assignments due at the end of the unit.
We will do comprehension tests from time to time as well in order to be prepared for the final exam. Most of you find the time constraints difficult. Ask me for practice tests which you can do at home.