Do so now while you have time.
What injustice are you going to explore for your creative response to this novel?
It's clear from today's presentations that innumerable injustices existed in the south during the thirties and Harper Lee chose to expose many of them through the innocent eyes of her main character, Scout Finch.
What will you do?
- Litter at Claremont
- Homelessness in Victoria
- Cliques at Claremont
- Cyberbullying
- Bullying at Claremont
- Pressures to conform
- Pressures to be a certain kind of student
- Pressures to be a teen
- Are teenage voices heard? Where? How? What do you need to say?
Choose to create poems, performance poems, stand up comedy, a story, a play, a dance, an installation, a film, a demonstration, a speech, bring in a panel of people to speak and invite other classes to join us, book the library, do a poster display . . . The key here is to use art to change people's minds.
A strong first draft is due, Monday, Nov. 5.