Publishing The Short Story
You must submit the story to the BCTELA contest and to one other magazine,
The Claremont Review, Aerie International or Polyphony HS.
If you need to revise your story, get me a new copy by Monday, Oct. 22.
Today, I collected the blindness paragraphs based on Act 1. If you were away today, pick up the contest entry form cover sheet and your story.
Amanda, Kalina, Rachael, Emma, Jessica and Stephanie. Can we meet in my room at lunch to begin the Remembrance Day Ceremony program? The band teacher can meet with us then. Thanks.
DUE WEDNESDAY: short story and the cover page.
DUE TOMORROW: Read and post-it note key passages in Act 1, Scene 1. Remember that the new setting, the island of Cyprus, represents the opposite of Venice. If you missed today's class, be sure to get all the notes from a peer.