Today, we finished our discussion of Act 3, Scene 3 and we took a lot of notes so if you were absent borrow the notes on Monday and make a copy. Read the scene closely and take your own notes.
I will return your "musings" Monday. If you have not submitted your paragraph, by the beginning of Monday's class, you will need to be given an alternate assignment and deadline. See me asap.
We watched the beginning of Act 4.
Homework: Read Act 3, Scene 4 carefully. Post-it note the changes in Othello since he has sold his soul to his baser nature.
Review: invocation, blank verse, iambic pentametre, juxtaposition, Iago's motives
What can we make of Iago? What does he represent? Why?
Next, Read Act 4, scene 1. Act 4 is the denouement and we have a lot of unravelling, unknotting to do. Post-it note key passages.
Read these two scenes carefully. Be prepared for a quotation quiz on Monday. You will need to state who is speaking, what is happening during the passage and then you will need to interpret the passage.