Brendan MacLeod, Zaccheus Jackson, Gillian Christmas and Jeremy Loveday all did a fabulous job entertaining the crowd today. Please create a response and submit on Thursday.
I've marked most of today's poems and they are fabulous. Congratulations!
Next week will be the last week for submitting poems. After that, we start to edit to ensure our manuscripts are the best they can be. Manuscripts are due at the end of term, Tues, Nov. 6.
Two great literary events this week you can attend. Tomorrow night at the Solstice Cafe on Pandora near Government, 7:30, spoken word artists and an open mic.
Friday night at the Moka House on Hillside near Shelbourne is Planet Earth Poetry. 7:30. $3.00 fee.
This week's poet is from Vancouver and Brendan says she is dynamite.
Planet Earth Poetry Blog
You need to attend a literary event and get your response submitted to me by Tuesday, Nov. 5. You have two weeks.
Yvonne Blomer will be visiting our class on Friday and John Lent on Wednesday.
Here is a video on John Lent's work and life which has been created by Jay Ruzesky. John was Jay's first creative writing teacher. Jay Ruzesky's film about John Lent