If you asked for an extension, I will accept your compositions and the revised good copy on Monday.
If you have not yet handed in your Mockingbird corrections, please stop by to explain your complacent attitude. (Notice the new vocabulary word, eh?)
Today: We added two new words to our list: pompous and complacent.
We read two stories to prepare for the mock exam and to determine how to do the synthesis question. If you were absent today, ask for a copy of the handout.
The introduction for this essay must refer to the main similarity and the main difference in the two stories.
Sample from today's stories:
Both Teresa and Jordin receive strong support from their family; however, Teresa often feels frustrated by her parents' concern for her. While Jordin's friends and community remain loyal, Teresa's friends have drifted away in "Skating Across Cultural Gap" and "The Kayak".
Study the format: Start with Both . . . and name the two characters and what they have in common. Start the next sentence with however, and then explain one difference. Start the third sentence with the final main difference.
That is all you need for your introduction. Remember, you can do practice exams on the BC exams site. Google: BC provincial exam samples or find the link on yesterday's blog.