Tuesday, December 4, 2012

English 10: Composition 4 due tomorrow

We will write composition five during class tomorrow. I will be giving you prompts.

Due today: For those students whose essays where in the 71 to 85 % range, you need to revise and re-submit a strong body paragraph to demonstrate that you know and can use all the formal literary must-haves, the stylistic expectations at the grade 10 level and your ability to prove your thesis!

Get these in asap.

Those of you re-writing the essay. It is due Friday.

BC Exam Section C prep:

Complete #4 this evening on a topic of your choice. You have a list of the topics on one of the handouts which I gave you last week. Choose a new one. Do not re-do the one on courage or the one on lessons.

Thursday: Submit all 5 typed composition drafts AND ONE revised composition which you feel best reflects your work.

PARTY PROGRAM PEOPLE: You will have to complete your paragraph on Friday. However, Friday is a shorter block, so start half of it at home Thursday night.