We reviewed the expectations and the criteria for the essay presentations:
- The class will have read your essay so your job is to demonstrate its brilliance: in theme, style, structure, use of techniques, etc.
- Be sure to prepare well. Look up in advance key vocabulary words which the class will need to know.
- Be sure to know what any symbols mean and explain them to the class.
- Prepare an oral reading of key passages.
- Demonstrate the effectiveness of 3 to 4 techniques
- Prepare a well-thought out writing exercise to get the class to imitate a key aspect of the essay.
Think of a time when your rights were violated. (For this exercise, the incident does not have to be truet).
Now imagine trying to explain the violation to someone who believes it is your fault. What hurdles must you overcome as you write? Think of how Visser approaches her adversaries.
Write a 200 word opening using as many of Visser's techniques as appropriate. You may wish to choose one of the topics below or think of your own.
- accused of plagiaring an essay or cheating on a test
- all of the rules for teen drivers seem unfair to you
- accused of loitering outside a business or being a nuisance on a bus
- spoken down to because of your age (Children should be seen and not heard).
- feeling invisible at home or at school or at work (or not being heard)
- pressure to do something you do not want to do (find arguments to convince the peer to stop pressuring you)
- gossip or bullying or cyber-bullying
- use of technology in school
- Claremont's hat rule