This mock exam will expose you to the format, give you an opportunity to take your time in order to feel comfortable on exam day, discover which sections you feel confident in and which sections you would like more practice. It is really a good idea to go onto the website provided by the Ministry of Education to practice as these exams always follow the same pattern. The first time you do the multiple choice questions seems hard but as you practice, your mark improves. Check to see if there are words used frequently on the exams that you do not know.
For those students absent today, we'll get you caught up.
We have a special presentation on bullying on Thursday.
Because this week is busy you MUST keep up the amazingly fast silent reading at home this week. You want to exercise that brain. Those reading muscles atrophy quickly. Show me how many pages you are reading. I'll check Friday.
I have marked all of the descriptive writing compositions and I handed them back.
The following students need to submit their creativewriting:
Julia, Morgan, Victoria, Annie, and Quinn. Thanks.