I want to express my appreciation to Nick Ollis for all of the time spent to teach me the program and for his suggestions regarding what types of projects might work well. I also want to express my gratitude for the vision and extraordinary fortitude needed to set up this Maclab.
I chose to focus on IMovie first and designed three projects, one for each course.
English 10: Video Poems on Authors They Like
English 11: Book Trailers for their independent novels
Writing 12: Video Poems of poems they have written
Sample Writing 12 Poem: First Date by Justin Beddington
Elegy for a Vase Gillian Jose
Sample English 11E book trailers:
April Raintree Book Trailer based on a template
A Book of Negroes
Sample English 10 video poem: November by Kenneth and Ryusei
Robert Frost by Annie and Nathan
I found this website helpful: Book Trailer Rubric and Storyboard site