Wednesday, May 8, 2013

AP Lit: See you here at 7:30 . . . Bring goodies to share if you like . . .

 Meet in my room at 7:30 if you'd like goodies. I'm picking up Tessa and Shannon so don't panic if we are a little late. We'll be here.

Tonight as you study, breathe, relax, enjoy.

You saw how much you enjoyed the practice today--how engaging it is. How skilled you are so tomorrow will be a breeze if you are well rested, confident, have some protein and carbs in your bellies and you have extra pens and pencils, a water bottle and a watch.

We'll dance and laugh at the break so that your body won't even remember the multiple choice questions. You can still get a 5! A 3, 4, or 5 gets you first year credit at most post-secondary institutions.

If you were away today or want more practice tonight, visit the link below:

2012 essay questions

More questions and answer keys:

More questions from past AP exams

Tonight: Review each era from Lit 12. Note key words for each

Cavalier / carpe diem
18th century (Pope)

By knowing a few key words and a few key genres, it helps to place the poem in context as soon as you see the name, the form, or recognize the era (sometimes they give the date published)

Elizabethan sonnet
Petrarchan sonnet
Pastoral elements

You are definitely prepared. Expect great results.