See yesterday's blog for a description of the found poem.
All found poems are due Wednesday unless you have asked for an extension.
Today: We worked on the found poems.
Read chapter 10. Pay particular attention to the way Ralph and Piggy react to the knowledge of Simon's death. Explain why both reactions are inadequate.
Notice the irony that Piggy and Ralph realize how important rescue is at the time Jack's group attacks. Explain how key this juxtaposition of events is.
Notice who has left Ralph's group for Jack's group. How do you explain that?
Chapter 10 ends with a significant event. Explain its importance.
Read chapter 11. Compare and contrast Piggy's death to Simon's.
We will finish reading chapter 12 during class.
Novel Test Thursday:
You will be given a passage from the novel and asked to examine it and turn your opinions into a literary paragraph.
You will be given three thesis STATEMENTS. Choose one and write a literary essay of 500 to 700 words. To do well on this section, you must study. You need to know and understand key scenes, key symbols, key scenes, how to infer and make connections, how to write a literary essay and you need to have all of the literary must-haves' list memorized.