TICK chart. Create a detailed TICK chart for FRIDAY.
First, finish reading the novel.
Next, create what / so what charts underneath the following headings. Marks awarded for excellent inferences (similar to our class discussions and notes you have in your notebooks). Make specific references to parts of the book to support your opinions.
What So What
Lord Be sure to ponder the title's contribution to the book's theme
Flies Who is the Lord? Who are the flies? Why?
Make connections to key scenes in the novel.
Introduction (Use the first chapter as the "intro")
We took clear notes on the entire chapter so they will help you assess the first chapter's contribution to theme.
What? So What? Include 3 whats and 9 so whats here
Conclusion (Use the final chapter but pay attention to the final page)
What happens? Why is it key? Why is it ironic? What do we learn? What are the allegorical implications of a conclusion such as this one?
Key Points: Use symbols, and quotes. Three of each.
What? (spear, conch, glasses, fire, island, plus three great quotations)
So what? (Does the symbol change? Why? Discuss tone, diction, sentence structure)
Once the chart is complete you will have a novel in miniature. A great collection of your thoughts and interactions with the novel's themes.
Now, create a thematic statement. A thesis of the book's themes based on your TICK chart. Be sure to include all four parts of the chart in your answer.
Part 1: Analyze a passage from the novel and explain what the symbols, tone, syntax and diction reveal about the novel's themes.
Part 2: Literary Essay Writing. Choose 1 of the thesis statements given and write a formal literary essay of 600 plus words to prove it. Use your notes to create a fine response.
This weekend: Organize your notes. Put all the essay notes in one (easily-found) section of your notebook. Put all your quotations in one place or highlight the key ones. Transfer the post-its to your novel this weekend. Think about the novel. What vision does it offer to us today of mankind?
Also, review the elements of a literary essay. Re-read the essay you wrote on the novel. What skills must you review this weekend?