Wednesday, May 15, 2013

English 11: The personal essay, how to write one, what to write about . . .

As we read and discuss each essay, start thinking about what you want to write about, how to get started, who you can interview, and where you'll need to search for information.

Today: The first group presented Stephen King's essay from the text, "Why We Crave Horror Movies". Be sure to read the essay and get the notes.

We had a quiz on 12 techniques. The ones we learned in essay 1, Visser's essay.

We did a creative writing exercise designed by Zach, Robert and Sydney.

I read a Jack Knox essay about his dog, Spot.

We compared our opening lines to our essays, asking what makes a good opening.

Homework: Connect to your group to be prepared to present.

We need to move Jake and Mitch's essay to the end due to Mitch's illness so stay tuned.