In 300 words or more, choose one BIG idea from your USSR book and explain
(using at least three quotes) how the idea is unveiled in the book. For
example, in The Outsider, one of the ideas is that we are condemned to
be free and that idea is illustrated by Meursault's imprisonment, his
epiphany, the newspaper article, the extra four shots, the gun just
"giving way" etc. We are also going to be watching a video called
leadership with lollipops and I bought lollipops for everyone.
Here is the link Leading with Lollipops
Using this video as a guide, write a short 300 word composition in Section D style on the following:
Being yourself makes a difference.
Your synthesis essays were FANTASTIC!! Way to go.
I'll be here tomorrow. If you want any help, do pop in.
Exam: Monday. Arrive by 8:45. Be sure to have eaten breakfast, with protein. Bring water. Two pens. Two pencils. Dress in layers. You do not want to be cold.
Return any extra books to the gym on test day.
All the best.
Keep reading.
Ms. Stenson