Wednesday, January 22, 2014

Writing 12: Last Day . . . Tie Up All Loose Ends!

1. Have you submitted your manuscript and emailed me a copy?
2. Have you submitted work to the BCTELA contest, Polyphony, Aerie, Claremont Review contest and the Claremont Review spring issue submission?
3. Have you returned all books to the library and any books you may have borrowed from my room such as Naming the Baby or books off of my shelves?
4. Have you got a copy of your manuscripts in safe places--at Uncle George's house, on your harddrive, stored on icloud, etc?
5. Have you made a list of what you have sent where so that you DO NOT publish something twice. Magazines will be really upset if you neglect to respect their rights to publish you first!! Be honest.
6. Have you thanked your classmates for listening and editing your work all year? For letting you whine or shine?

Good. Then we are ready for our reading tomorrow.

Thanks to all the students who signed up to bring goodies and juice and cups etc

Please prepare a 3 minute reading. Any combination of fiction and poetry is wonderful. Introduce the work. Own the podium! You have done what very few people ever attempt. You've written down your ideas.