Please meet in the centre lab tomorrow. We will start with USSR. If you need to eat your snack, please do so during period 1 as we can't eat or drink in the lab. The centre lab was cold today so dress warmly, please.
Also, there is an opportunity to attend the Belfry Theatre performance with Mr. Plant's class next Thursday night at 8 p.m. It is called Homeless and it is set in Victoria. He says it is a wonderful show.
If you have missed any writers this term: Gaston, Renn, Wagamese or Belfry theatre, you need to make these events up by attending outside literary events.
You may also attend Planet Earth Poetry Friday Nights at the Moka House on Shelbourne St. across from the HIllside Mall. 7:30. $3.00 cover charge.
You have 2 weeks less a day as your manuscript is due on the Wed. of our final week to make up 25% of your final mark.
You can do it. The vital step for fiction is proofreading so you want to have a solid draft completed by the Monday after next and then have two days to revise.
Good luck.