Remember, no matter what the question is be sure to focus on style (they want to know that you know HOW authors make us believe things) and theme (what do they say about the topic)
So: What do they have to say? How do they say it?
Poetry: form: sonnet, lyric, elegy, monologue, ballad, epic, etc
Fiction: voice, point of view, satire (hyperbole, understatement, wit, sarcasm, irony), juxtaposition, diction, dialogue, shifts in tone (they love shifts in tone)
Open Ended Essay: Discuss not just what happens but why the examples you choose elucidate the question you are being asked. Discuss literary devices here, too. Even if they don't ask you to do so directly. They still want you to, right? Right. Stop laughing, Prasant. I mean, keep laughing.
Multiple choice: annotate as you go because it keeps you calm and you will be able to get some answers correct without having to re-read the passage. Some interpretive questions may just overwhelm you so don't spend time on them unless you have time to spare because you don't want to feel stress. Just guess.
If you feel stress, stop. Breathe. Feel your feet on the floor, bum in the chair. Notice sounds in the room. Breathe. Think about your favourite beach, meal, friend. Somebody out there loves you. If nobody out there loves you, you can love yourself. Pet your sleeve. Breathe.
This test will not kill you. In fact, it's a great opportunity to share your love of literature. You do that well. I am proud of you all.
Bring: two pens, two pencils, an eraser, a watch, juice or gatorade and water, a snack that is good for you.
Before you arrive. Get up early. Do a little exercise to wake up. Eat a little something. Don't think about the exam. Feel your feet. Bum in chair. Breathe. Steal Stephanie's tea. She has a special blend called, This Gets an A on the AP Lit exam. Drink the elixir. Laugh louder than Prasant.
You could get hit by a bus on the way there so you don't want to waste a second of this precious life worrying, right?
Farley Mowat died today. He was a good one. Farewell, Farley, and thank you.