Tuesday, May 6, 2014

Eng. 9 Block 4 Sherlock Holmes and Mysteries

Reminder to all:  Plot quiz tomorrow on Curious... up to pg. 154!!!

Today we received our descriptive paragraphs back.  There were some really interesting and effective paragraphs! Thank you for your hard work.  I really want to encourage you all to push your writing skills as far as they can go, so I have not put a mark on the paragraphs, but lots of feedback suggestions.  Read these and edit your paragraphs to hand in a Good Good Copy on Thursday!

Today we compared Christopher to Sherlock Holmes and looked at elements of Mystery stories.  We read "The Collector" by Patricia Matthews.  Answer these questions for Wednesday:

1. What is the unknown, mysterious factor that sparks our curiosity?
2. What are the 2+2 details that the author gives the reader?
3. What is the 4 that we have to figure out for ourselves?
4. What did you like or not like about this story?  What was effective or could have been improved?

Please hand them in on Wednesday.  If you were away today, I will give you a copy of the story when you return and your answers to the questions will be due the next day.