Friday, May 16, 2014

Eng 9, Block 4 - Creative Project Requirements

Curious Incident Creative Project

DUE Wednesday, May 21
You are to create something of your choice that engages with the themes, plot, and characters of the novel. You will then write a paragraph to explain your choices and how they are relevant to the themes of the novel.

You may create (Choose 1 thing, not a whole category):

1. Artistic: A new book cover, art piece, or poster for the acceptance of differences in schools.

2. Multimedia: A soundtrack (of at least 4 songs explaining which parts of the novel they would be played to and why), a documentary or news report on Christopher or the murder of the dog, or a movie trailer.

3. Writing: A collection of at least 3 poems, a re-write of part of the story from another character's perspective, a letter from one character to another, or a news article on Christopher or the murder of the dog.

4. Theatrical: a filmed or in-class re-enactment of a scene from the novel, or from a different perspective.

5. Something that you propose to me!

All creative projects require a paragraph of at least 300 words, typed up. Your paragraph should explain any choices you made, symbols used, and characters or events from the novel involved. Discuss the themes of the novel and how this can be seen in your creative project.

Out of
Creative project: relevant, insightful, unique
Paragraph Content: explains choices, connects to events and characters in the novel
Paragraph Insight: Reflections on the novel, depth of understanding and engagement with important themes
Paragraph Structure and style: clear, focused, correct grammar and spelling.