I read aloud an article on Gabriel Garcia Marquez, praising the sentence and an article by Susan Swan on the new Romantics, a new shamelessly solipsistic confessional style in fiction. Why is a Romantic (self-focused) genre emerging now?
How might we use this info in our play?
Next, we wrote all class today so if you were absent, you will need to write for 50 minutes.
First: Write an autobiography in a confessional style about an event that happened recently that upset you in some way. Write for ten minutes. Next, read the piece and write a response observing yourself as you might do when annotating an excerpt of a story. What do you observe about the character, the language, the motivation, the perspective.
Next, choose a character from literature with whom you identify. Write for ten minutes elucidating this relationship.
Finally, discuss an app or program on your phone or computer that you use a lot. Explain its functions and why you like it.
Finally, write a piece reacting positively or negatively to this app/program. Does it add or detract to our growth as a species?
Tomorrow: We need a motif (objective co-relative as T.S. Eliot might call it) an object, idea, phrase, that can connect all these disparate scenes.
In class tomorrow we will write a monologue from a character's point of view based on today's writings where we all use the same motif.
Tonight: Revise your scene. Is it relevant? Edgy? Revelatory? Engaging? Who would listen to it? Who is your audience?