Marks awarded for the criteria on your sheet. (See yesterday's post to review).
I am looking for creative techniques that new journalism authors use.
Re-read the five samples in your package for ideas.
Your job is to make the facts fun through
- interesting comparisons, (similes, allusions, metaphors);
- use of punctuation (in particular the dash and parentheses);
- sound devices (alliteration, onomatopoeia, assonance, rhyme);
- strong verbs (bash, clout, sip, bow, stake);
- sentence variety (fragments, long, short, and medium sentences, vary your sentence beginnings);
- references to help us understand the facts such as saying that the roadrunner's speed is similar to a four-minute mile (use pop culture, personal life, hockey or other sport stats, literary allusions);
- use slang (put some swag into it!);
- vary your paragraph length;
- find some really interesting ways the animal has been viewed -- in myths, advertisements, by First Nations People, in other cultures, in the past, in medicine, for food, etc.
Be creative. Take risks. Make it interesting.
You will have most of the class tomorrow to work on it. Bring a computer if you can.
A typed, rough draft, double spaced is due Monday for peer editing.
Everything is due next Thursday. Wednesday we will do the works cited page together so bring the URL information.
I will return your Mowat essays tomorrow.
We will do vocab. word # 70 tomorrow and have a vocab. test on 1 - 70 on Wed.
You will have some time to edit your article on the animal on Wednesday as well
which means that you have a lot of time at night to finish at least one more book by the end of May.
USSR forms for May are due, Monday, June 2. Please keep up with the responses as the forms are due at the beginning of the period on June 2.