We read and discussed the first scene in the story, "Haunted House". If you were absent, be sure to get the notes.
Tonight: Create a scene of 150 to 200 words or more that reveals something about a relationship between two characters. You can imitate the first scene in "Haunted House".
- dialogue
- description (be subtle) Show us via action and dialogue
- action
- a few thoughts
- conflict
- resolution
A scene has a beginning, middle and an end. It is like a story within a story. It appeals (adds to) the story's main conflict, but it has its own conflict built in. This conflict is resolved in the scene via action.
For example in "Haunted House", the mother wants Shelly to come down and visit with her. Shelly wants to finish her painting but chooses, in the end, to come down and help her mother. She takes her mother's hand and leads her inside.
Let your reader figure out the relationship. Don't tell us too much. Describe things happening in the room. The light, the curtains, the light bulb in the refrigerator, leftovers, what is playing on the TV or radio or Ipod, etc