Youth Writing Contest: $5.00 entry fee per poem or story
The above contest is optional. Last year a few students from Writing 12 entered this contest and we took the top two prizes: the $300.00 first prize and the $200.00 second prize. It's worth throwing your hat into the ring. You need a paypal account or a credit card so send in the poems from home with your parents' credit card. Fee is $5.00 per poem or story.
Also, the winning entries get published in The Claremont Review. Yay.
1. Edit the workshop poems for Thursday, please.
2. Consider entering the above contest or go ahead and ENTER. Don't have to wait for the 26th. You may enter today.
3. Arrive on time tomorrow as we will have Adrian Southin, a Claremont grad, and UVic student reading to us and discussing the program options in Writing at UVic.
4. Two new poems due Thursday. YAY
This weekend: Start compiling your manuscript as we are getting closer to the end of term and you will have written 8 poems for submission. You need your best 10 to 12 poems in the manuscript. You are welcome to submit more than 12 but 10 is the minimum. Use the editing sheets I have given you and your own instincts and experience to make the poems work. Check and re-check the criteria. Read published poets' work to get inspired. Work with the peers in your workshop group for feedback and encouragement.
I can also re-edit new versions of poems. (Not for marks). This process can help you get more feedback if you need it. You probably just need to sit with the poem to figure out where you want it to take you.