Today's exercises keep asking you to stretch as you make connections.
The first exercise in the kitchen required you to get so far and then stop and regroup, foreshadow, hint, flashback, rewind, refresh. Similar to yesterday's exercise where I threw words out into the room and you had to catch them and place them in your writing. Great job. I love love love your enthusiasm. I'll read your poems this weekend and return them to you on Thursday.
Your job this weekend?
Write a poem that meets our criteria (may use anything from our class exercises or new work). Type it up. Edit it as best you can. Print three copies for your workshop group (which will be assigned Tuesday) and bring them to class.
Tuesday: Lindsay and Alice present Lorna Crozier's work and then we'll pass out the workshop poems in our new groups.
Wed. Computer Lab
Thursday: Time to write and edit the poems due Friday.
Friday: Submit two new poems. One should be the one you workshopped with your group.