Today, we all read poetry during our USSR time so that we can expand our definition of poetry and train our ears to the poetic line. If you do not yet have a book of poetry to read during USSR, please pick one up in the learning commons.
I went over the course outline today. If you were absent, please ask for a copy.
You need to attend a literary event outside of school. Write a response to the event and its author/s using the same setup we use for response writing for writers that visit our class. Check the local papers or bookstore websites to find out when events are happening.
Hand in the response the next school day.
Today, we used our criteria list to edit a partner's political poem. Giving feedback means using and connecting to our criteria list. Keep reading it over. Edit your own poems with the criteria in mind.
Tonight: Write a poem with a lighthearted or sweet tone similar to the two poems I read in class, the one about the mangoes and the one about the newborn baby on the bed big enough for its own small moon.
Bring this poem to class ready to share.
I collected the Laisha Rosnau responses today. Since I do not collect late work, you now have a 0 for your first Writing 12 mark.
Get organized. Write down homework. Submit it on time.
Thank you.
If you miss a class, make up the work and ensure that whatever is due, gets done by checking the blog and/or contacting a student.