Friday, October 3, 2014

English 11: Read chapter 3 and buy post-it notes this weekend . . .

We completed our first vocabulary test. To pass, you must achieve a 13 or better out of 17. If you didn't pass, find out why. Are you studying daily? Are you paying attention when you write the words down? Do you need a copy of the definitions so you can study instead of write? Do you have good sentences for each word?

Finish reading chapter 3: As you read the chapter, post-it note all the mishaps. There are at least five in this chapter.

Also, read pages 56 to 59 slowly. Based on the descriptions and actions of Simon, what do you think Simon's character represents. Be prepared to support your answer  with examples from the text. You may write down your answer or write on post-it notes attached to key passages.

I collected and marked your paragraph check-lists. If you have not yet analyzed your corrected paragraph for its strengths and weaknesses, please submit Monday.