We have now read the first 11 chapters and discussed most of the book. I had 6 quotations on the board today and we wrote responses to each quote. We also added the next to words on our list, 35 and 36.
Tonight: Read and post-it note chapters 12 and 13. They may be a little slow going but look for examples of racism. Even some of the African-Americans are reluctant to allow Jem and Scout in their church due to the colour of their skin.
Finish reading the novel by next Wed. Nov. 13th as we will be starting our essays. If you forget your novel at school, you will have to download it or buy a copy at a second hand book store in town.
Tomorrow: Responding to Part 1 (chapters 1 to 11) You get to decide how you wish to respond: Choose one of the suggestions below or make a suggestion for a format not yet on the list and get it approved by me before you begin:
1. a literary paragraph
2. a decorated found poem (similar to the one you did for the story, "A Lamp At Noon"
3. a diary entry from one of the character's point of view
4. a mind map
Your job is to answer this question: Demonstrate what Harper Lee may be suggesting about what is needed to eradicate ignorance in the world. What will it take for humans to change? How do you change? How hard is it?