contest entry links
Make sure that you have given me a list of all the poem titles and where you have submitted them. Make sure that all the contests have been entered, including The Claremont Review submission (the envelope one).
Tonight: I am expecting two pages, double spaced, 12 point font, tomorrow. A scene or the "Orientation" imitation but you will have to write more.
The criteria:
Strong, innovative writing
Clear perceptions of the situation (such as the narrator in "Driving Under the Influence" just putting his hand half way across the counter, make him come to me... or the "pick up your fork" repetitions
Carefully edited (especially dialogue punctuation)
Sentence variety and paragraph rhythm reflect character development
The entire scene is to reveal character
Follow the criteria for scene development
Friday: Fionncara MacEoin will be here to read to us! Next Friday? Bill Gaston! I love Claremont.