If you were absent today, be sure to get the notes. Each group presented their passage from their story and why they liked it! We learned so many tips today.
To be a better writer, learn from the masters. Today's masters: Bill Gaston, Lisa Moore, Alice Munro, Raymond Carver, Elizabeth Huggan, etc
Thursday: Your fiction report is due. Be thorough. Do not leave it until Wed. night.
Wed: We are in the computer lab. Be sure to bring your $25.00 cheque for The Claremont Review contest.
Go back to Nov. 12th's blog page for all the details for each contest. Be sure that you have done the first one before Wed.
Tomorrow, we have Jessica and Gussie presenting the work of Aldous Huxley.
We will finish reading the Gaston story. If you were absent, ask me for a copy.
It is called, "Driving Under The Influence".