Electronic Entries:
1. Jessamy Stursberg National Poetry Contest Do not press send until I check. Thanks.
2. Aerie International Contest These guidelines are lengthy. Follow carefully. You need a photo.
3. Polyphony H.S. Magazine (Chicago) You have to create an account.
Hard Copies (You will need contest entry forms) I have copies.
1. BCTELA (3 poems) No name on the poems. Hand to me (I'll mail them) (free)
2. The Claremont Review Contest Guidelines Hand in to me. (I'll mail them) + $25.00
Non-contest submission of The Claremont Review (free)
Send The Claremont Review up to six poems. These poems should not be the same poems that you send to Aerie, The Claremont Review Contest or to Polyphony. Create a cover page. See submission guidelines on their site. Submission Guidelines
Put your name on each poem. Include a cover page.
Once you have your poems chosen, edit them one more time. Attach the cover page with a paper clip to the poems. DO NOT STAPLE.
Put the poems in a business envelope. In the middle of the envelope write:
The Claremont Review
Suite 101
1581-H Hillside Avenue
Victoria, BC
V8T 2C1
On the left hand corner of the envelope, write your name, return address, city and postal code.
John Smith
123 John Street
Victoria, BC
V8Y 1Y9