If you were absent today, make sure that your parents called in or bring a note tomorrow so that you may hand in the work that was due today.
We discussed the template for a scene:
conflict, beginning, middle, end, has to resolve, has to end with another conflict, has to show the character in action and dialogue and imply what we learn about him.
A scene must also appeal to the universal--you are now learning to read not only between the lines (to assess character) but beyond the lines (to assess theme). What do we learn about ourselves and/or the human condition having read a piece of literature. We read literature to see ourselves. To understand the world with empathy. We are moved emotionally and logically by the events and the characters' responses to those events.
I collected the paragraph on the "A Few Notes for Orpheus" story.
We edited and marked our scenes. If you were absent, hand it to me. If you neglected to write the scene, try it. It can be fun. You get to be a god. You get to decide.
I handed out the short story criteria today. Be sure to ask for a copy if you were absent. Call you homework buddy for clarification.
We read and discussed a scene by Bill Gaston today as well. You will need to get that scene and do the analysis.