1. Electronic Submission to the contest that Sean won last year:
Jessamy Stursberg National Poetry Contest for Youth
2. BCTELA contest (provincial contest) You need to attach two poems to a completed form. Ensure Mom or Dad has signed it.
School address: Claremont Secondary 4980 Wesley Rd. Victoria, BC V8y 1Y9 Make sure there are no names on your poems and both titles are on the sheet. Staple together and hand in. I will mail these to Vancouver.
3. The Claremont Review Spring Issue Submission You may submit up to 6 items. Any combination of poems and stories. You need your name on each submission and you need to address the envelope and put your return address on the envelope. You also need to add a bio to your cover sheet: 2-3 sentences about yourself.
The Claremont Review Submission Guidelines
Make sure that you have submitted the poems to me and emailed the poem to the Jessamy contest.
Homework: Finish your Animal Farm quote log. It is due on Thursday.
Finish your poetry log which is due Thursday.
Wed: Time to finish the poetry log, organize the quote log into sections and write the thesis, get it checked, work on the introductions!
Thursday: In-class essay on Animal Farm.
Ms. Moray will be here Friday. Class is shortened to 35 minutes. Pancake breakfast at 9. Teacher skits in the afternoon.
By Friday, we will feel we have deserved this Xmas break.
Never take a break from reading, however. You must sign out two books to read over the holidays. Pick books that relax and excite you!