Tuesday, December 9, 2014

Writing 12: See yesterday's blog . . .

Today we wrote a new scene based on Lynn Coady's opening to her novel, Mean Boy. How can you keep tension in a scene? Try having one character want something from the other or one character knowing more than the other. Changing the character's status implies tension. Put a Canadian in Africa or put a teen with an adult and see the different version of events, etc.

Friday: Two copies of your story are due for workshop.

The actual workshop will occur on Monday. Friday will be reading and critiquing the stories. See yesterday's blog for the criteria list.

Good copy of the story is due Wed. Dec. 17th.

Terence Young is reading to us Dec. 17th as well so please have your story prepared ahead of time or print it off at lunch next Wed.

Today we spoke about how to maintain the same creative impulse and openness toward your story while you edit. Feel free to alter scenes, move them around, cut or revise the setting the character. Cut back on the dialogue. Take a risk.

What if your characters suddenly drop everything and look at a sunset, for example, like Gaston does in the story, "Cake's Chicken".

Tonight: Work on your story. We are in the computer lab tomorrow. I'll meet you there.