We have 9 essays to read in our text. They range in length from two pages to 12 pages. Today, we read the essays and took notes. I handed out a copy of the Woody Allen essay which is not in your text. We read it aloud. Ask for a copy if you were absent today.
Your job is to create a page for each essay similar to the pages we have done so far on the Visser essay and on the two Jack Knox essays. You may do so now or when each group presents.
If you have been away, check with your group and read the presentation outline sheet.
Tuesday, Jan. 6th, you will have an open book test on all 9 essays. You need to know the thesis, and at least two techniques per essay and how they help to prove the thesis. You may plan ahead and write a page per essay in your notebook or post-it note the thesis and techniques and label the post-it.
Independent Novel: You will need to have 100 pages read by Jan. 8th. I will be checking to see that you have post-it noted at least 5 appearance and reality passages.
Look for deceptions, liars, different perspectives, characters who lie to themselves, characters who are trying to find the truth, what motivates a character to believe something, how are they pressured into following someone else's truth?
Have a fun, safe holiday. Ms. Moray is in tomorrow. Please respect her as our guest.
Be sure that you can define and find an example of all our terms:
1. allusion
2. empathy / sympathy
3. flashback
4. imply / suggest / indirect presentation
5. diction
6. hyperbole
7. direct quote (interview)
8. irony
9. anecdote
10. higher authority
11. Detail / narrative (story) elements
12. parallelism
13. Tone
14. alliteration
15. pun
16. repetition
17. non sequiturs definition
18. understatement
19. frame tale definition
20. rhetorical questions
21. incongruity (noun) incongruous (adj) definition