Well, our three readers to represent us will be Amy Dechka, Gabriel Swift and Sage Broomfield. There are other spots for readers at the open mic, too, so arrive early to sign up if you would like to read one of your fabulous poems!! All students are expected to be there and then I will give you the next day, Monday, Jan. 19th off (in lieu of the time spent there). You will be responsible for writing a response to the evening, which will be due Tues. Jan. 20th. I'll remind you! Last day of classes is Jan. 30th.
Tonight: work on your story. Your job now is not to judge, just write. Over the weekend, proofread it so that there are no commas or capitals in the dialogue out of place. Next week we will work on revising the story. Friday, next week is workshop day. YOU MUST HAVE A STORY HERE ON MONDAY.
Tomorrow: Please arrive on time. Bill Gaston is our guest reader. Yay. Have questions prepared ahead of time.