Tuesday, December 16, 2014

English 11: Personal Essay Unit . . .

I collected the 5 quotations and responses based on the HEAD assignments.
We did two vocabulary quizzes. Know words 1- 60 well.
We re-read Visser's essay and did the quiz. We reviewed all the techniques.
Make sure your notes are up to date.
For each essay, record the following:

Thesis: (If the thesis is stated directly, quote and cite it) (If the thesis is indirect, paraphrase (in your own words) what the essay proves)
Best piece of evidence to prove the thesis:
Two techniques:
Why are they effective?
Favourite Passage?

Today, we read Jack Knox's descriptive essay, "My Dog, Spot" from the Times-Colonist paper. If you were absent, ask for a copy. Read it. Complete the notes above.

We also read 15 pages of our independent novels today. These must be read by Jan. 15th.