Tuesday, January 31, 2012

English 10 A

Thank you for handing in the essays, checklist, peer edited copy and the quotation log today. You can see how many steps are involved in a literary essay. Now you have a tried and true method for creating essays on any topic. You cannot go wrong if you follow these steps because your thesis flows naturally from your research (quote log).

Today--mostly I wanted to give you a chance to read your USSR books and to fill in the forms for the draw. You've read a lot. Good luck.

For homework (due Wednesday (sigh) next Wed.) choose ten poems that you really admire--they may be comical, insightful, delightful, mysterious . . . anything you like.

Choose poems from two sources only please (so that you learn what is being published these days and why). The Claremont Review or www.poetryfoundation.org (but on this site, check to see if the poem is modern, say post 1960).

Bring all 10 poems to class on Wednesday to share with a partner.

We'll be turning the poems into a book--
I'll give you the criteria on Wednesday.
Have a terrific holiday.
If you asked for an extension on your essay, bring it to my office Thurs. morning. If the office is locked, take it to the staff lounge and ask a teacher to put it in my box. Thanks.