Wednesday, March 7, 2012

English 10 A

I read you a number of poems today that really focus on using the imagination. Create new images. New things / situations / people to look at. Make us see what you see through your use of details which apply to the five senses. Add meaning through sound and structure (enjambement, juxtaposition, title, shape, caesuras, etc).

Bring your four poems to class tomorrow (typed) for peer editing. Ensure that all four poems match the criteria for this poetry portfolio. The criteria are clearly laid out on today's handout. Good luck.

PARTY PROGRAM PARTICIPANTS--EMAIL YOUR POEMS OR PASS YOUR POEMS TO YOUR PEER EDITING PARTNER. Take the edited poems home and revise and re-shape and re-craft. If you would like me to edit more poems, hand them to me Monday so I can return them to you by Tuesday.

Tuesday: poetry test (see the handout) Complete the 3rd section at home: A journal entry addressing at least three of the criteria to answer the question, How has poetry affected me?
Thursday March 15: Your poems are due. Include at least one edited draft per poem so that I can mark your understanding of the writing process--creating, drafting, revising, editing, polishing, presenting, publishing. Give your collection a title. NO need to decorate the cover.